October 19, 2022


by Brady Lovett in News

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • What does creativity in communications look like in an increasingly polarized marketplace? 
  • How can communicators stay inspired and keep their creativity flowing? 
  • How can brand marketers and communicators elevate the creativity of their campaigns in 2023? 

In this month’s episode, Red Havas’ Linda Descano, CFA®, is joined by two creative thinkers and culturally savvy storytellers: Andrew Stevens, executive creative director at Red Havas U.K., and Aaron Padin, founder of design firm VSLMTH and former head of art and design at J. Walter Thompson. Together, they explore the theme of creativity and their takeaways for brand marketers and communicators who want to keep their creativity sparking in a post-pandemic, purpose-driven and highly polarized marketplace. 


“Creativity is about using ideas to solve problems,” says Andrew, kicking off our conversation. “That’s where we can add real value for clients. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is my idea new, novel, unexpected or surprising in some way?’ And crucially, ‘Is it aligned to what’s happening in culture?’” 

“Creativity really brings purpose to life,” says Aaron. “It boils down to the purpose of what we’re trying to solve, whether it’s a business solution or awareness play.” 


Next, our guests talk about how creativity can help bridge the divide between brands and consumers. 

“People need to fall in love with brands,” says Aaron. “The top brands in the world, like Nike or Apple, don’t reach that point overnight; they have been years in the making. Consistency is the key to establishing authenticity for your brand.” 

“You need to stand for something, otherwise you stand for nothing,” says Andrew. “It’s one thing for a brand to say it’s doing something with purpose, but creativity allows you to show what that purpose looks like and why it matters to your audience. Some brands don’t want to take a position on anything because they fear they’ll alienate certain audiences. This has led to creative outputs that are overly earnest or bland, which is disheartening because creativity should excite, inspire and illicit an emotional response.” 


The conversation then shifts to how both of our guests stay inspired and keep their creativity flowing. 

“I approach the world with open eyes,” says Aaron. “The world can be jaded and dark sometimes, but I keep a sense of innocence, optimism and acceptance, which creates cool creative opportunities for me and excites me to wake up every day. It also helps to hear about what others are doing in the creative space and how it can inspire my own work.” 

“I try to expose myself to as many different things as possible,” says Andrew. “In order to be creative, I need to be able to view things in new ways and from different perspectives, which requires setting up points and counterpoints. It’s all about creating new contexts for your brain to do its work and reach that ‘eureka’ moment.” 


Our discussion closes with advice for how brand marketers and communicators can elevate creativity in their campaigns and communications in 2023. 

“You need to be honest and empathetic,” says Aaron. “As creatives, we must be able to put ourselves in other people’s shoes to understand and talk to them in a way they connect with. You also need to be provocative, whether it’s being fun and whimsical or triggering an emotional response. Brands can’t play it safe.” 

“Brands need to be radical and daring,” says Andrew. “The world is in a state of radical disarray, and we have everything to lose and everything to gain with the solutions we put forward in response. We all need laughter and positivity right now. Start putting bold ideas in front of your clients that may not have been approved or well-received just a few years ago.” 

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