October 18, 2022


by Kate Warrington in News

Meet Redster Brady Lovett, a recently promoted content manager whose passionate endeavors to abolish Daylight Savings Time and keep his cat from scratching his furniture both made it into this blog.  


Emporium, PA (total bridge count: 2) 

Currently reside in:  

Pittsburgh, PA (total bridge count: 446) 

Favorite hobby:  

In my free time I’m usually listening to music, making weird stuff with my mini synthesizer, playing Nintendo games, cooking gluten-free meals (shoutout to Celiac disease) or watching reruns of “Whose Line is it Anyway” (absolute banger of a show). I also recently started taking online guitar lessons again; I originally started in April 2020, but quit after one week and never touched it again until now. Oops! 

Bonus: Trying (and failing) to prevent my cat from scratching my furniture. Probably my most frequent hobby. 

Olive the cat

If you could start a movement, what would it be?  

I care about many issues, but there’s one that gets me fired up like no other: MAKING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME PERMANENT. I will fight with every breath I have until we bring an end to those 4 p.m. sunsets. It’s time to stand against the special interests and refuse to set our clocks backward this year. Sure, our technology does it for us now, but nothing is stopping me from keeping my microwave clock ONE HOUR AHEAD! I may run for office someday just to settle this issue. Stay tuned. 

What’s something inspiring you right now?  

I find myself inspired by the influx of people creating DIY art from home. I’ve seen so much of it spread across social media by both friends and strangers — whether it’s visual arts, music, comics, videos or something else.  

I’ve always found joy in expressing creativity in various forms, and seeing more and more people pursue their artistic interests has continually inspired me to keep trying, improving and experimenting. I’d say I’m 99% creative energy and only 1% motivation, so it’s always helpful to connect online with others who are into the same niche as you. 

What part of your job brings you the most joy? 

Social media is constantly changing and evolving, which means each week in this role can be quite different than the one that came before it. I love the continuous opportunity to help push our copywriting and creative to the next level, and it’s really cool to see how our efforts are making a tangible difference for our clients. 

Also, I can’t rave enough about the amazing coworkers this agency has introduced me to. Whether it’s the core social team or the wider team of Redsters, everyone I’ve met while working here has been nothing short of awesome. We truly have the best people! (Are you blushing yet?) 

Get real with more Redsters! Also meet Stacey Federoff and Lara Graulich.